I wanted to share some of my favorite products to help keep kids busy! These are tried and true products that my two kids have really loved. I hope you find some new ideas to try out.
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Floor Art
One of my kids’ favorite art activities is doing a “floor drawing.” I roll out a giant piece of paper on the floor and they color away. You can even help them do different themes like a garden, ocean, or a small town with roads that toy cars can drive on.
Crayola Mess Free Markers
These Crayola Mess Free coloring pages and markers are my go-to for trips, car rides, or hotels. They truly are mess free which is awesome.
Wiki Stix
You can make so many fun things with Wiki Stix! They are great for long car rides, restaurants, or just for fun.
Dot Markers
We love dot markers. You can do them with any of the free dot marker pages I have on my site or just let kids dob away on blank paper.
Dot Stickers
Dot stickers can also be used with any of these free do-a-dot pages. You can also use them for so many different arts and crafts.
Small Vacuum
My daughter loves helping clean up with this vacuum. It is small enough for a four year old to move around and control.
Large Clipboard
These large clipboards are great for long car rides. Kids can color or dob away at dot marker pages with one of these.
Magnetic Tiles
My kids have really loved their magnetic tiles. They are a great STEM toy too!
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