My kids loved doing this easy paper towel tube pumpkin craft. This paper towel tube pumpkin craft for toddlers is low prep and so fun!

It’s fall, y’all! Fall is my favorite season of the year and I love all the fun fall decorations, foods, and of course crafts! My kids loved doing this easy peasy paper towel tube pumpkin craft. It’s an easy craft and you can re-purpose paper towel or toilet paper tubes.
My kids were super proud of their little pumpkins, aren’t they super cute? I love that this is a super easy and festive for fall.
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🤍 Why you’ll love this craft
This craft is so easy to make with kids! You can use paint or you can also use crayons or markers if you want to make it less messy.
♻️ Reusing household items for crafts
I love using household items in our crafts and learning activities. We have used jar lids in our boat sensory bin activity and egg cartons in our Very Hungry Caterpillar craft. We have also done other crafts with paper towel tubes such as this ocean activities craft and lesson as well as this feelings lesson and fine motor skills activity.
I have no idea why, but I have been hoarding toilet paper and paper towel tubes (along with oatmeal containers and egg carton crates too). We had so many extra tubes that we also made another set which we turned into a pumpkin strand.
📋 Supplies needed for this pumpkin craft:
- Paper towel or toilet paper tubes
- Scissors
- Orange paint (or you could also use crayons or markers, if desired)
- Green pipe cleaners
- Hot glue gun
🖌️ How to make the pumpkin craft
1. To make this craft begin by cutting your paper towel or toilet paper roll in half.
2. Then cut each half in half again to give you four equal sized pieces.
3. Let your child color the pieces orange either with paint, markers, or crayons. Be sure to color the inside orange as well.
4. When your child is done, squeeze one piece inside of another and then hot glue (parents or adults only) a green pipe cleaner on top to make a stem.
5. You may want to cut the pipe cleaner in half to get the size right. You can also use a pen or a pencil to curl the pipe cleaners for an extra effect.

🙂 Other fun ideas
Since we had a lot of paper towel and toilet paper tubes we decided to also make a few pumpkins to form a strand with the extras. You can stop at just making a few pumpkins or keep going if you wish! To make this craft the only extra supply you’ll need is some string to thread the pumpkins through.
How to make the paper towel roll pumpkin strand
To make the paper towel roll strands:
- To make this craft begin by cutting your paper towel or toilet paper roll in half.
- Then cut each half in half again to give you four equal sized pieces.
- Let your child color the pieces orange either with markers, crayons, or paint. Be sure to color the inside orange as well.
- When your child is done, squeeze one piece inside of another and then hot glue (parents or adults only) a green pipe cleaner on top to make a stem.
- Using a hole punch, punch the sides of the pumpkins and then add a string through them.
My kids really loved doing both crafts with these paper towel tubes. They loved seeing their creations decorate our house and I hung our strand of pumpkins outside of our front door and they both felt a lot of pride that they helped to make them!
🎃 Craft FAQs
Cut the paper towel tube into equal sections (I cut mine into four sections). Paint the inside and outside orange. Squeeze one piece into another then glue a stem made from pipe cleaners on the top.
Cut the toilet paper tube into equal sections. Paint the inside and outside orange. Squeeze one piece into another then glue a stem made from pipe cleaners on the top.
If you don’t have any pipe cleaners, use green string or construction paper.
Lynsie S
Such a great idea! Can’t wait to try this one out.
This looks like something really fun to do with the kids! Thanks for sharing the idea 😊
Jennifer Bradley
As an non-crafty mom, this looks like a fun craft I could actually do with my kids! Thank you!
This is a cool craft idea for kids. Looking so cute!!!Thanks for sharing!!!
Alyson Bauhs
What a cute idea! I already have a bunch of toilet paper rolls just waiting to be crafted :). Looking forward to trying these pumpkins out with my toddler daughter! Thanks for sharing!